Mudbox Technical Transfer Details

I enjoy sculpting in Mudbox, releasing you creativity is pure delight.  I recently had an issue with Mudbox Transferring, after being in talks with a support person at Autodesk who was very helpful.  I was informed on the technicalities of how transferring in Mudbox works.

Transfer Details is a great feature, but it is not miraculous.  It works by measuring lines perpendicularly from the target surface to closest point on the source surface, and moving the target until it touches the source.  This is why it is important to line up the meshes as closely as possible before starting the operation, and even (if necessary) distorting the target with sculpting tools if it is too far from the source.  If there are different possible intersections, you can control which one is chosen with the Advanced feature “Choose Samples”.   (Hold the mouse over this to see the graphical tooltip explaining what it does).  So the short answer is that yes, for best results, you should conform  your target surface as closely as possible to the source surface – it is the “details” we are transferring, not major sculpting features.


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