Merry Christmas – Creative Dust !

Merry Christmas everyone, even if you can’t afford to spend what you could spend the previous years you still can afford time with those you care about which is always free. You don’t even have to exchange gifts or fancy foods or drinks. A simple drink and some simple food with someone you love on Christmas is more important then exchanging dozens of gifts and putting on that false Christmas spirit we so commonly see each year.

I will have some updates with new stuff that I’ve finished as well as what I’m currently working on, very soon. If you have any feedback or comments you’d like to make please post a message on the blog, I’d like to hear from you.

I’m always amazed by people who can create art from things that most of us would never even consider creating art out of. Paul Hazelton is an artist, what makes what he does amazing is he creates everything from Dust Where I currently live there is a lot of dust, not from a lack of cleaning or I’m a slob, but the fact that it builds up at the rate that a Indy car driver makes a lap. If I could collect my dust and maybe sell it to Paul for a few dollars, it would make the dust that my place collects worth it 🙂


One Response to “Merry Christmas – Creative Dust !”

  1. chem says:

    yo! merry x-mas to you, too!
